On January 18-19, members of the FFA chapter traveled to Dublin, OH to participate in the Connect and I Am conferences. These statewide conferences were attended by hundreds of Ohio FFA members, and provided an opportunity for our chapter members to learn valuable leadership skills to apply in the FFA chapter and in the community. The members who attended were Gracie Harris, Lauren Kinney, Olivia Nichols, Elizabeth Kolling, Ally Dennett, and Drew Swigert.

Last week the 2024 FFA Equine Judging team competed at the Arabian Horse Association (AHA) judging contest in Tulsa, OK. The team consisted of sophomore Drew Swigert, and 2024 grads Kiersten Franke, Lily Swigert, and Makayla Krazl. The team qualified to compete at this national event by finishing as the 7th place team in Ohio last spring. The team finished 5th overall in the Hippology contest, and was the 5th ranked team in judging performance classes. Congratulations to these members of the Edgewood/Butler Tech FFA on a job well done!

Members of the FFA chapter attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis last week. Students were among the 70,000 people from across the country who attended the convention. Members attended convention sessions, met with college and business representatives at the Career Show, and toured four local Ag businesses.

EHS Families,
We have become aware that a number of students have been participating in a "Senior Skip Day." It is important to note these absences from school are not sanctioned events and are considered unexcused absences. Should students participate in these "skip days," it will affect their school attendance record and may result in truancy from school. Athletes should also be aware they must attend at least four classes daily to be eligible to play. We encourage all of our students to be present at school. Listed below is our absence policy for the 2024-2025 school year.
Board Policy 5200:
In accordance with statute, the Superintendent shall require, from the parent of each student of compulsory school age or from an adult student who has been absent from school or from class for any reason, a written statement of the cause for such absence. The Board of Education reserves the right to verify such statements and to investigate the cause of each single absence or prolonged absence.
The Board considers the following factors to be reasonable excuses for time missed at school:
personal illness (a written physician’s statement verifying the illness may be required)
appointment with a health care provider
illness in the family necessitating the presence of the child
quarantine of the home
death in the family
necessary work at home due to absence or incapacity of parent(s)/guardian(s)
observation or celebration of a bona fide religious holiday
out-of-state travel (up to a maximum twenty-four (24) hours per school year that the student’s school is open for instruction) to participate in a District-approved enrichment or extracurricular activity
Any classroom assignment missed due to the absence shall be completed by the student.
If the student will be absent for twenty-four (24) or more consecutive hours that the student’s school is open for instruction, a classroom teacher shall accompany the student during the travel period to provide the student with instructional assistance.
such good cause as may be acceptable to the Superintendent
medically necessary leave for a pregnant student in accordance with Policy 5751
service as a precinct officer at a primary, special or general election in accordance with the program set forth in Policy 5725
college visitation
The District requires verification of the date and time of the visitation by the college, university, or technical college.
absences due to a student's placement in foster care or change in foster care placement or any court proceedings related to their foster care status
absences due to a student being homeless

The Ohio Traffic Safety Office (OTSO) wants to make you aware of a FREE advanced driving skills training opportunity coming soon to your area!
OTSO is hosting an Advanced Drive for Training Series this summer, where students with a permit or license can get hands-on instruction in crash avoidance techniques on a closed course. These programs usually consist of practicing skid recovery, anti-lock braking system stops, slalom drills, and more.
Events are scheduled in Butler County on September 28th and 29th! Registration is free, but spots are limited, so please encourage students to sign up for a session soon! Each session is half a day. You can register here.

Dear Parents and Students,
We are excited to welcome you back and invite you to our Open House, which will take place on Tuesday, August 13th, from 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM.
This is an opportunity for students and parents to meet teachers, tour the school, and receive important information about the year ahead.
Optional Parent Meeting:
In addition to the Open House, we will hold an optional parent meeting at 5:30 PM. During this meeting, we will review the school’s dress code and cell phone policies to ensure everyone is well-informed and prepared for the start of the school year.
Schedule Overview:
3:30 PM - 7:00 PM: Open House – Visit classrooms, meet teachers, and explore the school.
5:30 PM: Optional Parent Meeting (Heritage Hall)– Review of dress code and cell phone policies.
Schedule Location Pickup
Freshmen - Aux. Gym
Sophomores - Cafeteria
Juniors - Media Center
Seniors - Heritage Hall
We encourage all parents and students to attend this event. It's a great way to start the school year on the right foot and to address any questions or concerns you may have.
Open House Parent Meeting
We look forward to seeing you there!
EHS Administrative Team

Dear Parents, Staff, and Students,
We’re excited to announce updates to our dress code and cell phone policies designed to enhance our school environment. These changes aim to foster a focused and respectful atmosphere that supports both academic and social development. We appreciate your cooperation and support as we implement these new guidelines to ensure a positive and productive school experience for everyone. Please stay tuned for further details and reach out with any questions you may have.
EHS Dress Code and Cell Phone Presentation Link
Best regards,
Edgewood High School Administrative Team

EHS Parking Pass 24-25 - Window for applying for the student parking pass begins Monday, June 3rd on Final Forms. See email for details.

EHS Graduation Important Reminders: See email after 12:30 p.m. today.

EHS Post Graduation Photo Opportunity for the Class of 2024 - Please read your email this morning. Let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day, Mrs. Limon

EHS Senior Parents/Guardians, Seniors, and Junior Early Grads - Due to weather, we will be practicing at the EHS Gym at 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. tomorrow morning (5/17) following the senior breakfast. See email for more details later this evening.

EHS Community: Please read your email about the Graduation Ceremony on Sunday (5/19).

The Senior Awards Ceremony will be held at Edgewood High School in the Gymnasium tonight, May 14th at 6PM for those graduating seniors and their families who received an invitation. We look forward to seeing you there.

EHS: Seniors/Juniors that are Early Grads & Parents/Guardians, please see your email about the big events including clap out/color throw for Wednesday, May 15th.

EHS All Champions Day - May 10th

EHS Seniors - All school/lunch fees are expected to paid in full by tomorrow (5/3).
See email for more details.

EHS Spirit Week: May 6th through May 10th.

EHS Seniors: Don't forget to order and pay for your senior yard sign by this Friday (4/12). The cost is $8.00. See email on how to order your sign.

EHS Seniors: Please see your email after 5:00 p.m. in regards to ordering a senior yard sign.

EHS Seniors - The Graduation Meeting at EHS for all seniors including BT, VA, CCP, and EHS will be on Thurs. (4/25) from 9:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. in Heritage Hall. Busing will be provided for BT Seniors to and from DRL only. BT seniors will be excused from their BT campus during that time. Any senior not able to attend will receive a packet in the main office with all the information needed for graduation. See email this evening for more details.