There are 4 standards in the state of Ohio for all World Languages. These will remain the same standards throughout your child’s Spanish classes, be it Spanish I, II, III or AP Spanish. Each level will delve deeper into each standard set by the state of Ohio.

Here are the standards. You can use this as a guideline for conversations with your child about Spanish class and the progress they are making.

Interpretive Communication (Reading; Listening/Viewing):

  • Competency 1 - Derive meaning from messages and texts using listening, reading and viewing strategies

  • Competency 2 - Identify how authentic sources convey viewpoints and use authentic sources critically

  • Competency 3 - Comprehend and interpret information in authentic messages and informational text

  • Competency 4 - Comprehend and interpret information about the main idea and relevant details in authentic literary texts

Interpersonal Communication (Speaking/Signing, Listening/Viewing, Reading and Writing):

  • Competency 1 - Negotiate meaning using requests, clarifications and conversation strategies

  • Competency 2 - Interact with others using culturally appropriate language and gestures on familiar and some unfamiliar topics

  • Competency 3 - Express preferences, feelings, emotions and opinions about familiar and some unfamiliar topics

Presentational Communication (Speaking and Writing)

  • Competency 1 - Convey meaning using writing processes and presentation strategies

  • Competency 2 - Present information, concepts and viewpoints on familiar and some unfamiliar topics from across disciplines

  • Competency 3 - Present a range of literary, creative and artistic endeavors to audiences near or far

Cultures Standard (Gain and use knowledge and understanding of other cultures)

  • Competency 1 - Analyze and describe relationships among products, practices and perspectives and compare them across cultures

  • Competency 2 - Experience the target language and culture(s) and share information and personal reactions with others

7th Grader

  • 7th graders are learning their classroom objects and will be tested.

  • We will then discuss El Día de los Muertos in class and its cultural significance.

  • Standard(s) - Interpretive Communication #1, Interpersonal Communication #1, Cultures #1

8th Grader

  • 8th graders are learning more classroom objects and the irregular verb tener and will be tested. We will then move on to ser/estar (the 2 verbs for to be) and when to use each verb.

  • Standard(s) - Interpretive Communication #1 & #3, Interpersonal Communication #1, #2 & #3 (see above to view these standards).

We encourage conversations about these standards so you can monitor your child's progress and understanding more effectively.