
Below you will find a link for an easy access to our arrival and dismissal procedures. This will be for our car rider students. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school's office, (513) 867-3420.

Arrival/Dismissal Procedure 24-25

If your child is riding the bus to school, please have your child on the bus the first day of school. This helps the bus driver know the exact bus stops they need to make each day as well as knowing the faces of the students on the buses. Also be sure to be at your bus stop 10-15 minutes early as sometimes the routes do run ahead of schedule. Within the first few days/weeks of schools some routes will take awhile to get adjusted, please allow lead way with pick up and drop offs with transportation. If you need to make a transportation change to the bus route, please contact the transportation department and allow at least 48 hours for the change to occur and to be verified with the drivers as well as the school buildings.