Edgewood has 4 preschool classrooms located at Edgewood Early Childhood Center (EECC). We have two preschool sessions, AM & PM, for all 4 classrooms. Through our program, students are taught social/emotional skills as well as developmental appropriate educational skills. Throughout our program we use developmental appropriate usage of literacy, mathematics, as well as fine and gross motor skills. Our preschoolers will go through the same routine and daily schedule with as little changes as possible. We understand that young children thrive off of a simple routine to where they know what they can expect next.
A typical day in our preschool classroom
Arrival-coming into the building and walking to their classroom as a group, hanging up coats/backpacks, work on a quick fine motor activity or handwriting practice.
Circle Time- Students will gather on the group carpet where calendar/letter/number of the week are review as well as participating in other learning activities.
Center Time & Small Group-Students will participate in choice led centers where they are able to learn through play. During these centers, the teacher will pull a small group of students (2-4) for small group learning/activities.
Read Aloud/2nd Circle Time-Students will gather back to the carpeted area to have a story read aloud.
Gross Motor Time (Recess)-Students are able to go outside, weather permitting, to the playground and participate in gross motor skills. The gym as well as classroom options can be available due to weather.
Restroom- Students are encouraged to use the restroom multiple times throughout their day. Teachers will travel as a class or as ratios allows for smaller groups.
Snack- Students will participate in self-help skills and manners during this time.
Dismissal-Students pack up their belongings, work on self help skills, and prepare for dismissal.
Preschool is the foundation and the beginning stepping stone in any students educational experience. The average preschooler is 3-5 years old. Some children will complete 3 years of preschool while others complete 1 year. While preschool is not a mandatory program within the state of Ohio, it has many benefits to help jump start the process of learning and educational goals. With the help of preschool programs, children are able to adapt and grow skills through classroom experience such as verbal skills and motor skills. A major focal point of preschool experience is the social/emotional skills children are able to learn and build from. Children are able to interact with one another and learn how to regulate their own emotions as well as helping their peers regulate their emotions. Throughout their preschool experience, children are able to learn self-help skills such as handwashing, zipping coats/jackets, and tying shoes. Children are shown to have more of an all round advantaged of being ready for kindergarten with the help of preschool programs versus having no previous preschool or schooling experience.
We are excited to be introducing into our 2024-2025 school year a new curriculum to us, Creative Curriculum. This curriculum will allow our preschool students to learn creativity and exploration. This curriculum will allow them to be their own guide in certain areas of learning and have their teachers be the resources they need. Students have been able to grow into confident, creative learners who have a passion for wanting to know more and explore knowledge with the help of open ended Creative Curriculum. Below is a link for families to help better understand and how to help their preschool be creative in their home environment.
Our related services team consisting of Speech-Language Pathologist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and School Psychologist have worked to develop a monthly motor group which becomes beneficial to all preschoolers. Through various research and studies, children have been shown to learn best through play and this includes gross motor skill) and fine motor skills.
Our motor/sensory/language group is a monthly program that all preschool students participate in. With each month, the activity is changed and themed to revolve around any exciting event/holiday/season that could be taking place during that time. This a collaborative, transdisciplinary program that can be implemented by teachers and other professionals. The purpose is to address motor (large and fine), language, sensory, cognitive and social/emotional skills while playing fun games. This opportunity is available to all students enrolled in our preschool program to support their overall development.
Access Preschool Handbook