This year, we have transitioned from a numerical grading system to a letter-based system.

The decision to make this change was carefully considered by teacher representatives from each

elementary building. We believe that these changes align better with the broader educational

community and offer several benefits, including:

❖ Clarity: The letter grading system is more universally understood and provides a clearer

representation of a student's performance. It simplifies the communication of academic


❖ Consistency: The A, B, C, D, and F grading scale is now being implemented in grades 3-12 in

Please note that this transition will not lessen the expectations of our academic programs. We

remain committed to providing the best possible education for your child and will continue to

assess their performance accurately and fairly. If you have any concerns or questions about this

transition, please reach out to your child's teachers or principal. Thank you for your continued

support of your child's education. We look forward to working together to help your child achieve

their full potential.

Updated Report Card Information

The Edgewood City School District uses a standards ­based report card for all elementary school students. Educators are expected to teach to the standards outlined in Ohio’s Learning Standards and to assess student learning along the way using a variety of assessments. The standards-based report card gives us a tool to accurately communicate to parents and guardians the progress their child is making in learning the standards for each grade level. The standards ­based report card is helpful in several ways. First, it helps make sure there is more consistency of expectations from teacher to teacher. It helps teachers and students focus on the standards from the very beginning of the school year, giving students the opportunity to get help early if they are not making adequate progress. Finally, it gives parents information on how their student is doing based on the standards.

Click here for more information on our standards-based report cards.