To our Edgewood families, staff and community,

As you know, the COVID situation in our country has brought about change in many areas. Indoor youth sports at Edgewood is no exception. Game competition in our gyms has many challenges. Currently, the auxiliary  gym at the high school, the old gym at the middle school, and the gym at Edgewood elementary are being used as an additional cafeteria.  In addition, we have increased cleaning responsibilities with no additional manpower.

The health department has issued guidelines that we must follow.  Wearing of masks, social distancing, and no more than 15% gym capacity.  For gyms with limited seating like Edgewood Elementary School (4 rows of bleachers due to running two courts), Seven Mile, and Babeck, this creates a situation that may not allow even one parent per player to attend. In addition, there are guidelines from OHSAA and youth leagues that require facilities to be cleaned after each game, limit the number of people not only in your gym, but in our buildings. An example is no more than two teams at one time can be in the building. 

Based on the above circumstances we have decided that there will be no youth (boys and girls) home games played at Edgewood this year. 

We have heard from people in the community that would like to obtain their own team with Edgewood students and play at an outside sports facility.  If you wish to pick a team of all Edgewood players and go play in an outside league, we will allow you to practice in the evenings in one of our schools throughout the week. The number and amount of time for practices will be determined by gym availability. If you choose to have a team you must follow all guidelines and restrictions. No exceptions. If you like to do this you can contact John Thomas at  Please provide a phone number to reach you at during the day.

Thank you,
John Thomas
Business Operations Director, Edgewood City Schools