Detailed Reopening Plans graphic

To our Edgewood Families and Staff,

Last evening, Monday, July 27, our Edgewood Board of Education unanimously approved our Fall 2020 Reopening Plans. Our detailed plan is attached at the end of this letter. Our plan was created with input from our public health district, feedback from our recent parent/guardian surveys, teachers, support staff, administrators, and other local school districts. This plan is based on the information we know at this time, however if any changes are made by the Governor, Ohio Department of Education, or the Butler County Health Department, we will follow those directions and update our plan accordingly. If that happens, we will keep you up-to-date. I realize it’s not possible to please everyone, but be assured our plan was created with the specific goal of doing what is best for our students, staff, and our entire school community, making every effort to keep students and staff as safe as possible.

During Monday’s Board meeting, two significant changes were made from our initial Reopening Plan (issued on June 30, 2020). Both of these changes were unanimously approved by our Board.  The first change will require our students to wear a mask or face covering on the bus, in the classroom or when moving throughout the building. Wearing a mask/face covering at recess will not be required as long as social distancing (six feet or greater) is followed. Likewise, when students are actively eating or drinking, masks/face coverings will not be required. By having everyone in our school wear a mask or face covering, we will help keep everyone healthier and make an impact on stopping the virus.

The second change impacts the start date of when school begins for students in Grades 1-12. This affects students who are returning to school in-person as well as those who will participate in the Remote Learning Option.  Our Board approved changing the start of school to the Week of August 31-September 4 and following a Staggered Start Schedule for the first week of school. Here are the details: 

  • Monday, August 31 - Tuesday, September 1: Students with Last Name starting A-K will attend school. 

  • Wednesday, September 2: No School for Students. Our staff will use this day to assess the first two days of school and make any necessary changes prior to the next group of students starting school.

  • Thursday, September 3 - Friday, September 4: Students with Last Name starting L- Z will attend school.   

    • Note: Students with the Last Name starting A-K will not attend school on these dates.

  • Monday, September 7: No School for students or staff (Labor Day).

  • Tuesday, September 8:  All students return to school.

The start date for Preschool and Kindergarten students will take place in September. More details will be communicated by August 17.  Teachers and staff will still return to school on Monday, August 17.  Additional professional development and preparations for the start of school will take place with our staff during the two weeks prior to our students’ return.

Based on feedback from our recent parent/guardian surveys, nearly 85% of families want their child(ren) to return to school in-person this fall. Approximately 15% of our parents/guardians have indicated they want their child(ren) to participate in the Remote Learning Option. However, we know there are families who are still contemplating which course of learning they want for their child(ren). For any parent/guardian who is still considering the Remote Learning Option, they must make a decision by August 5. Parents who select the Remote Learning Option, must agree to remote learning from home for one quarter at a time (nine weeks).  To enroll in our Remote Learning Option, the Remote Learning Enrollment Form and the Remote Learning Confirmation Agreement must be completed and returned for each child no later than August 5, 2020.  The link to this information, including specific details about the Remote Learning Option, can be found at the bottom of Page 13, under the Additional Information section, on our Fall 2020 Reopening Plans document attached below.

Click here to access our Fall 2020 Reopening Plans.

I strongly believe flexibility, patience, and understanding will be key elements to the successful reopening of our schools. Thank you to our Board of Education for their support and endorsement of our Fall 2020 Reopening Plans. Likewise, I truly appreciate your commitment to support our district and the students, teachers, and staff that bring them to life. We will stay on top of current events regarding COVID-19 throughout the upcoming weeks and will keep you informed of any important changes along the way. 


Russ Fussnecker

Superintendent of Edgewood City Schools